Hi, and welcome to issue 29 of NFT Matrix, where I review NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The artist I am reviewing is Heli. Colorful and pleasant is how I would describe their work. I look at a couple of the artist’s pieces from their various platforms and provide my review. Hope you enjoy, I’m always open to feedback.
Piece: “Digital portrait 008”
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I appreciate the warm colors and style of this piece. I could easily see people requesting portraits in this style. Very cool.
Piece: “Silk Flower”

I appreciate this departure from the cartoon style. I like the level of detail present in the flower and the calming simplicity of focus.
Piece: “Digital portrait 004”

This piece has simple animation which continues in the style of the previous portrait. The animation adds a vibrancy, and the style is again very enjoyable.
Another nice type of art which Heli creates is watercolor paintings and bookmarks. If you check out her link, she has a nice store with these items.
I found her on cent — which is a relatively obscure platform with artists/NFT. you can poke at beta.cent.co.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the artist! Find their links here.
See you next time!
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Also trying out writing on Mirror here: https://mirror.xyz/0x5881d9BfFf787C8655A9b7F3484aE1a6f7a966E8
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